Consider the below classes.
public class AH<E> {
private E a;
public void setA (E x) {
a = x;
public E getA () {
return a;
public class A {
public class C extends A {
public class D extends A {
For the following code snippets, identify whether the code:
* fails to compile,
* generates an error at runtime, or
* none of the above (compiles and runs without problem.)
a. AH<A> h = new AH<C>();
b. AH<D> h = new AH<A>();
c. AH<?> h = new AH<C>();
h.setA(new C());
d. AH h = new AH();
h.setA(new D());
e. AH<? extends A> h = new AH<C>();
h.setA(new C());
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